Friday, February 3, 2012


Aiden: "Somedays I’m going to be bigger and I’m going to build a house."

Me: "Ohh, are you going to have a wife?"

Aiden: "No."

Me: "Are you going to have kids?"

Aiden: "No."

Me: "Are you going to have a dog?"

Aiden: "No."

Me: "Are you going to have a cat?"

Aiden: "Yes! I have a cat."

Me: "When you're older, are you going to have kids?" Can you tell I really want grandbabies??

Aiden: "No, I going to have a cat!"

Me: "You can have a cat and kids at the same time." Come on, kid! Give me grandbabies (in the very, very far future but still), give me grandbabies!!

Aiden: "No, I want new kids."

Haha, apparently he doesn't want Tristen and Ali - he'd prefer his own kids :) And heck yah, I'm going to be a grandma, little ol' Aiden already (kinda) told me so ;)

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